Dr Diplakshmi

Medical Treatment

Our body, mind, and soul work in sync with one another. If there is some
disturbance in one part, the other two also get disturbed. Usually, doctors prescribe
medicines for a patient’s illness. For example, for someone with a thyroid imbalance, a
daily medicine is required to keep their thyroid in check. It’s an illness where medication is
mandatory for the rest of their lives.
When Dr Diplakshmi was approached by a person with a thyroid imbalance, she started
working on the person’s subconscious mind while continuing the daily medication. She
also examined her blood reports regularly to monitor changes. Once the subconscious
events that had triggered the imbalance in the first place had been healed, and blood
reports reflected the healing, the patient was asked to stop her intake of medicine
completely. As the mind healed, the body followed through. The person has been off
medications for more than a year following her sessions.
The doctor also had a patient with psoriasis, which is a long-lasting or lifelong
auto-immune disease that causes a rash with itchy and scaly patches on the body.
Medicines can control this disease but not cure it. Once the doctor got to the root cause of
the patient’s psoriasis trigger, she was able to heal the patient. The patient’s skin went
back to normal, literally a day post-session, and hasn’t bothered her ever since.
For further information, please check out our testimonials page.

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